Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What the Tweet?

So I've been a pretty heavy tweeter for a while now and one of the main questions I always ask myself is what constitutes a professional tweet from a personal tweet?

Working in the advertising field, I like to tweet various topics about my profession such as great original cable programs and ratings highlights. I also like to occasionally network with other individuals like myself. It's fun and a great way to meet new people and learn.

I'm also a heavy tweeter when it comes to my personal life as well. Luckily I've gotten away from some of the bad habits such as tweeting what I'm eating for dinner and various photos of my dogs. However, I do send out a lot of random tweets about TV shows or sports I'm watching, and what my wife @porterkn is up to.

So the question I've been asking myself these last few months is this:

Should I pick one or the other?

The Career minded Tweeter: Do I keep my tweets to professional quality where I network and time my tweets out evenly throughout the day with various facts and linked related to my field?


The Constant Stream of Consciousness Tweeter: Where I tweet about everything I'm watching or reading, along with what food I'm eating and voicing my nasty opinion without a care?

I'm concerned that if I tweet too much about my personal life, I'll annoy my professional followers but if I stick to the dull professional tweets, thats not very fun either.

Well tonight I decided that I'm over-thinking this entire subject. Twitter wasn't designed with any particular goal in mind except to simply tell people what you are doing. So that's what I'm going to do. If that means a tweet about the latest in cable TV advertising is followed by a tweet involving my dog's bathroom habits, so be it.

At least I'm being myself.

Thoughts? What kind of tweeter are you?